Friday 4 December 2020

Exam preparation

Exam question 7
•The development of the app associated with your TV series will require the creation of a production schedule. 
•Evaluate the effectiveness of using a production schedule as a part of the planning process for the app. You may refer to the specifics that are in a production schedule to support your answer.

A production schedule will be useful for the planning process for the app for my Tv series because it includes all the tasks that will need to be done over the course of the production because production schedules list tasks and allocate what specific days those tasks will have to be completed on or between, for example since the proposal from our brief has to be completed by the 4th of January so the initial ideas for the app in the proposal would have to take priority over any stages of app development. 

A production schedule might not be as useful because on a production schedule there is no information about who will be completing the listed tasks so if people do not know where and when they are needed on production days, they might not attend and postpone production. For example, if the app designer and coder are not present for the early stages of app development then the production cannot move forward so online production management software might be more useful as everyone would have access and see where they are needed on various days through email so there is a minimised risk of the production being delayed because project management software would do it all automatically. 

Production schedules do not have contingency plans so if something goes wrong in the course of production, then a whole new production schedule will need to be made which will take up time that could be spent moving the app development along. However, if a Gantt chart is used, it would include contingencies and therefore would make sure that a whole new production schedule would not have to be made. Additionally, Gantt charts are very visual whereas production schedules are not and would not stand out if put on a notice so there is a higher chance of missing deadlines. Gantt charts highlight contingencies, deadlines and tasks which everyone could see at all times. In this instance, Gantt charts would be more useful than production schedules.