Thursday 23 January 2020



Media Sectors are categories of the industry. Different media types are put into these categories by being what they are. If it is a Music Video, it will be most likely put into the Music sector as that is where it belongs.

 Media Sector

 The Avengers



 Just a minute

Video Games


 PS4 - Heavy Rain

Print and Publishing
 The Guardian Media Group

 The Guardian 

Web Online Technologies

 BBC iPlayer

 Shady Records




If a company works across multiple sectors, then they are cross media... as they are across different medias... hah, get it?

They have parent companies which have subsidiary companies.
for example, BBC is a conglomerate, BBC 3 is a subsidiary company.
Another example: Disney conglomerate owns Fox, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars and Disney+ and lots more.


-They control all creative products, specialising in producing only one type of media normally, like either films or television.
An example of a British independent company is Wigwam Films. 
These need the help of larger companies to get their films seen. they produce the films, the make them with a smaller budget than conglomerates. They need a joint venture to get their films shown. 

For their film, 'iBoy', the production was done with Wigwam working with Netflix (distributors) to become a Netflix original. This is an example of a joint venture. They collaborate so it is mutually beneficial for both companies; Netflix gets a film, they get it distributed and shown to the public, not forgetting the money they can earn from it.

We are focusing on film for the exam. It will be be made up of short, medium and long answer questions and values opinions. We will need to know who makes films and distributes them, the exam will be 2 hours and worth 80 marks. It will make up 25% of our final grade.

These are my notes from the 29th of January 2020.

Media notes:
We need to understand how meaning is created in film and how films relate to their target audience.

One industry companies are called specialist providers. 

Conglomerates have subsidiaries which are smaller companies that they own. Conglomerates are also called Parent companies

There is also no more 21st Century  Fox, Disney bought it. 

Some Independent British Film companies are Warp Films and Hayday Productions.

It was recently discovered that 90% of American Media Companies are owned by 4 major conglomerates. This is very scary as it means even the News is owned by those conglomerates and the people who control the conglomerates are very super-rich, meaning that the news is represented by the super-rich. 

Also if there are 4 major conglomerates, this could mean that there are only 4 views in the entirety of the media industry released to the public, and even this information could be bias to get people to buy products from their own subsidiary companies, making them more money, and therefore more powerful.

 Distribution is the process of marketing, advertising and releasing media to the main audience. Nowadays there are many ways of exposing a Film, such as Film Festivals and streaming platforms such as Youtube. 

Independent Film Companies will need to go into a joint venture to be able to distribute their film as they cannot do it themselves. 

for example, Paddington 2 was made by an Independent Film Company Heyday Films but when it came to the distribution process, they used a very long list.

The reason they used a different distribution company for each country is that when it comes down to marketing, there is no way that a Spanish Distribution company could know how exactly to appeal to a Polish audience as what they might find funny, might not be quite as humorous in Poland. So, they use different distributors to appeal to each culture of each country it wants to target.


'Horizontal Integration is a type of business expansion strategy, which comprises a company acquiring other companies from the same business line or at the same level of the value chain so as to subside competition.' - wallstreetmojo 
I will be using Disney as an example.

Disney uses horizontal integration, which means that they, as a company, can control all their types of media from toys to films. They can promote on all types of media that they own themselves for their own products. It is free advertising. With this, they get richer and richer and richer as they don't have to pay anyone else to do this. 

For example, if a new game was released, Disney (one of the largest media conglomerates) could advertise their own game on Disney+, 21st Century, on Hulu, Disney XD and any member of the ABC Entertainment Network. 

You have different media sectors. If you are cross-media, that means you are horizontally integrated.

This is the same company owning different types of media through subsidiaries. They own companies to do all parts of the process


'Vertical Integration is a type of business expansion strategy, which comprises a company acquiring various entities engaged in different stages of the value chain.' - wallstreetmojo

Vertical integration is where a company controls all of the processes from start to finish including production, distribution and marketing. This is a company that can do it all by themselves. This is so they don't have to branch out to send their work to different companies so they can do it cheaply and have all creative control. 

Netflix controls the entire production process to integration.  

For example, Coca Cola distils their own water and mine all aluminium to make their cans.

Synergy = disney release film, they have soundtrack, 
Soundtrack does well because of film

Film does better with soundtrack.
they compliment eachother and make more money than they would if they were released seperately. 

When horizontal integration and vertical integration work TOGETHER. You own the whole production process AND advertise it on different media sectors.


'The public service broadcasters are those providing Channel 3 services, Channel 4, Channel 5, S4C and the BBC. While all BBC public service television channels are PSB channels, only the main channels of each of the other public service broadcasters have this status.' - Ofcom

They are required to create content that are for the public benefit and not for public gain.
it covers, Current Affairs, News, etc. Anything people wouldn't advertise for such as 'Panorama'.

All of the BBC (all channels) needs to produce shows that are for the public's gain (public service). However, ITV2 does not have the same as this, they are allowed to make other types of show and can show adverts.

BBC - Paid for by the TV license. 
ITV - advertising 
CHANNEL 4 - advertising
CHANNEL 5 - advertising

We have much more documentaries and other shows on the BBC as they have more liberty to do so as there is a larger public service to be fulfilled.

ITV and others have to think about what will make them the most money. (Maybe why we're still watching X factor and ITV have brilliantly doubled their Love Island shows. Now we get two lots of half naked people faking love, great.)


In our modern-day, we believe we are making choices about the media we consume but we can't always know who is creating it because companies constantly change and buy each other out so fast that you can't even keep track.

America's media today is owned by 6 big conglomerates. 
For example, you may think you're reading some amazing unbiased news for the first time in years, then you find out the Daily Mail has bought it. And well, they're a little... y'know.

pros and cons of independent companies.
- larger 

They are a public service broadcaster in the U.K, they are a conglomerate and a cross media company. 

mission statement -

The structure of the BBC is messy, it's as if you gave a t-rex a fork
and forced it to eat spaghetti. The BBC has its metaphorical fingers in a lot of metaphorical pies. It has a lot of channels, for news and pretty much everything you can think of. BBC does games, BBC Arabic, BBC WORLD, BBC SPORT etc.

'The remit of BBC Three is to bring younger audiences to high quality public service broadcasting through a mixed-genre schedule of innovative UK content featuring new UK talent.' - Wikipedia

It aims at 16 - 34yr old in its target audience. 
Fully online in 2016, this was done as the target audience were mostly watching only on-demand shows so they followed what their target audience wanted and did that.

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