Thursday 2 January 2020

P4 - Camera Setup


We used a Nikon D3400 DSLR Camera to shoot the footage. Our backup was a Sony Bridge Camera, but we didn't end up using it.

Along with both of the cameras, we had up to three spare batteries for each, fully charged so we could maximise our time, without having to return to charge up our cameras. From prior experience, we learnt to bring more than one SD card in case one got lost or didn't work at the time. Luckily, the SD card we ended up using, a 64GB, worked for the full duration for the shoot so it wasn't needed.

We used automatic ISO to adjust appropriately to lighting changes most of the time, however, this was adjusted when we moved locations from the graveyard (early morning), to the church (late afternoon) as the lighting was different. For the church, we used a wider aperture with an iso of 800 whereas, for the graveyard, we used a smaller aperture (dof of 5.6-6.4) and an iso of 200.

We did use manual focus and attempted focus shifts on such shots as the whispering one. We decided manual focus would be best as then we would have more control over what the shots would look like and worked better when working on a tri-pod, which we did. 

How we organised our raw footage!
I sorted them into folders by suitability and use, classing them on where the footage was shot or where in the whole process it belonged. I changed the folder destinations as we went along so make it easier for myself and the rest of the group!

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