Tuesday 26 November 2019

Film Making Workshop

Filming Workshop


This is our short sequence film, 'Sparrow'.
Our group worked very well together as well all took time and put our own expectations for the project to one side to listen closely to the collaborative ideas to see how we could possibly add them all into one product.

Our group was Amaani Kishver, Mia Muttick and Eleanor Payne. Our timescale was tough and demanding so we drafted a light and retrospectively vague production schedule to help us along the way. We decided our group very quickly and no one put up and fights or disputes about it as all we all know, in the Film Industry, you will be in projects with people you may neither know, nor get along well with. Luckily for me, all participants in this group pulled their equal weight and we all liked each other. 

As two out of the four members of the group only said they would be in the finished film, we had to give the smallest role to Amaani who bravely stepped out of her comfort zone and took to the camera, delivering a good performance! Mia was heavily in charge of the camera work but each of us did at some point have a go with the camera.

Our idea was a simple spy scenario with three characters, assuring that each person would have an option to film the other two. 

We had three main characters, 'Lark, Sparrow and Robin' which were all named after birds.
  • Sparrow and Lark initially have a conversation about something that went wrong, the audience does not know what. Mystery!
  • Lark then passes on this information to their boss, Robin. The secret plan is revealed and Robin and Lark are revealed to be scandalous double agents...
  • Lark then exits but Sparrow enters Robin's office and reveals that they know the plan, ending on that dramatic cliffhanger.
Since this is a functioning and active school, there were some issues with the audio quality, from white noise to young children screaming in the background which couldn't really be helped. We did try alternatives but because there were no microphones, we had to use the iPhone voice recorder which we discovered in post-production, wasn't any better, forcing us to try and enhance it with FCP audio effects and music to avoid clunky transitions.

We learnt that more time must be left for filming and editing than we first expected as it takes a lot more time, especially with reshoots we had to do. Also next time, we might get professional actors in so the performance is more polished and less amateur.

Next time, we would have microphones and hire out or pre-book silent (or quieter) rooms to film in to quicken the overall pace of the shooting day. To keep the morale of the crew up, it would be a good idea to bring along snacks and treats to keep everyone happy. Additionally, we would make sure to carry spare sd cards and batteries, checking that we all have what we need before we left as one member of the crew forgot her hearing aids and had to return for them as they are essential. 

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