Thursday 2 April 2020

M2 Identifying potential questions

Practice Pitch Evaluation:

  1.  Were you confident? Could you answer the questions asked? Do you understand your own series in enough depth yet?

I think I was more confident with my ideas the longer I spoke about them, getting into the rhythm of talking about it and the concept of this show in more detail. Saying the ideas out loud really did help me to finalise them. I could answer most of the questions but I feel I was slightly vague at points which would have benefitted from a more finalised approach. Going into the pitch, I thought I had a good grounding with my idea and knew it inside out but realised very quickly after starting that I should've rehearsed more about what is going to happen episode by episode.

My pitch presentation was good, it has nearly all the notes and prompts that helped me but it was too overcrowded with information and text as it had everything I needed, making it look quite intimidating, so I rushed through it and even got my points a bit muddled up. I did try to use pictures and diagrams where the text was too offputting, scattering the logo of my tv show throughout. The overall look of the show didn't come across because I didn't use any of my own individual styled graphics, only the title which wasn't enough to distinguish it from other tv shows. 

However, the only supporting document I had for my pitch was the logo of my tv show as I didn't remember to add the rest of them to my PowerPoint, this was a huge error and I am certainly going to include them for my final pitch as they would help to show the overall look of it, to help other people to understand the vibe.
GREEN - What I'd change.
RED - What I said
BLACK - Questions I was asked.

Questions I was asked during my pitch:

1. "What is the mystery, is it who broke into the house?"
We know who broke into the house, and it's more about why.
It is about why this house and why he is getting burgled into in the first place. The actual people involved will become more important as the episodes go on. 

2. "Do we know who burgled the house from the beginning?"
We see it from Connor's perspective and he doesn't recognise them.
All we know is that it's two people wearing masks, we don't know their identities.

3. "How much control does he have in each other's bodies?"
He has to stop and think about what they would do. Especially athletically as he is a teenager and going from that to an older body is going to be difficult so he'll have to work around that.
There's going to be some circumstances that he can't work around so he'll have to find alternate solutions to as the body he might be in might not be okay with what he's trying to do and will stop him, or might not be athletically able to complete it. 

4. "So he has to adapt?"
Yes, exactly.

5. "How does the audience experience his internal conflict especially because it's very personal to him?"
He's going to be acting very frustrated and vocalising his annoyance, seeing very fast shots going from one object to the next.
Everything is going to be progressively more erratic with his movements and he's overall going to become much more of a reckless individual, voicing his opinions and thoughts often as well.

6. "Do we hear his thoughts?"
-It's not a voiceover, no, but more like POV shots."
We see them with the use of camera work and the acting; his behaviour, what he's saying. The camera will be moving quickly but will track along with his eyeline.

7. "What are you thinking about doing so it doesn't feel overly repetitive? Do we get a slice of the other character's lives before it starts?"
-It's more about unique character interactions.

8. "What subgenre were you thinking since this example is Sci-fi."
-Oh, it's a crime drama as crime is a main factor.
(I should've mentioned it was a crime drama at the very beginning)

"Would you say there's a heavy psychological aspect, about the character experiencing this trauma?"
Yes as he's seen all this stuff and no one can ever understand what he's going through. - so he won't be able to talk about it with others as he feels they won't believe him or understand the situation, so he bottles it up and that makes it worse.

9. "Are there any other side characters who have a sexuality that needs to be explored or is it about the characters as people and sexuality is just a side issue or not the main focus as it's there to be normalised?"
-We're not going to say that we have token gay characters, or to try and represent the trans community if a character turns out to be trans, then they will be useful to the story to help Connor get out of this time loop."

10. "What are the mental health issues? Is it anxiety, depression, schizophrenia?"
-It's really paranoia and anxiety, he doesn't know who he can trust and is pretty wary of everyone. - As the story develops, the initial 'symptoms' of these mental health issues will become more prominent, especially with anxiety and depression.

11. "Tell me about the existing products you've identified."
-Groundhog Day, as I've mentioned before, is quite concise, my show is going to be dragged out to see the whole day.

12. "Does he actually die in the second episode?"
-Uh, no... the show fades to black as he grabs at his chest like he doesn't know what has happened. It's implied that his life is infinite but never specifically said.
(Should make the plot a lot more obvious from the start)

13. "Is Heidi a single mum?"
-Yes, it's implied but never really touched upon as it's life and does happen to some people. -Although this situation would never happen in real life, the characters I'd like to be relatable and things that have happened to them as well.

14. "Is it 7 to metaphorically represent the days of the week?"
-Yes. Seven is symbolic in many different ways, 7 deadly sins. -But mostly on 7 days of the week, to represent how small changes in a week can really change your life and your outlook.

15. "With the music do some of the lyrics fit with the themes of the show?"
-Yeah, the band has music called Favourite Liar which is all about something important being kept from someone.

16. "You talked about YouTube, how are you going to use that?"  
-They've introduced Adsense now, so there are short clips before every video you watch that for the most part, you can't skip, I was planning to get the show into the short clips at the beginning of YouTube channel to hopefully hook viewers.


I need to know my plot and character arcs inside and out so I will be able to deal with any question about it and also add music samples into my presentation to aid the overall feel and look of the show. To help the delivery of my tv show, I must simplify the plot onscreen then expand upon it, adding diagrams and pictures and my supporting documents.

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