Tuesday 24 March 2020

P2 Character arcs

Connor – Growth arc. 
Episode 1- they start off being free-thinking, a little stressed but family orientated. He spends a lot of time with his mother and friends. He’s impulsive and doesn’t think much of the consequences of his actions. 
Episode 2- After the burglary happens, he is on edge, jumpy yet still has a fighting spirit. He’s crossing his fingers and hoping that it is all a bad dream or it will simply blow over. 
Episode 3- After getting shot at the end of the last episode, he is surely panicking and extremely jumpy. He begins to fidget and scratch at his arms but he is more observant. Feeling good that he broke off his verging on toxic relationship with his boyfriend.  
Episode 4- Still panicking but relaxing slightly when he begins scheming and writing everything down that he can remember. He is more diligent and vigorous with the note making. Now very aware of actions and calculating. More stone faced, reserved than before to society and fate, believing he deserves this in the universe’s greater plan (Karma). 
Episode 5- Confused, erratic, panicking. This is his emotional climax. He screams at his mother and blames her (wrongly) for his misfortune, making threatening hand gestures towards her. 
Episode 6- Connor is confused and disappointed. 
Episode 7- Determined, infuriated, impatient. Not sociable. When all is fixed, he is worn down, tired, apathetic yet content.  

The Goal – To stop the burglary. 
The Lie – He has nothing special about him, nothing to contribute to society. 
The Truth – He can have a new attitude, work harder and change things for the better. 

Equilibrium – Happy, easy life, goes to school and hangs out with friends. 
Disruption – Burglary and Time loop. 
New Equilibrium - Knowledge of how hard the world can be and how much harder he has to work. He adapts a new attitude.  


Heidi – Growth arc. 
Episode 1- She is content with a good motherly relationship with her son, busy with work, spends most of her time in either the house office (attic) or workplace office. 
Episode 2- She is busy with work but is disturbed as she doesn’t see Connor all day.  
Episode 3- She is busy with work but is disturbed as she doesn’t see Connor all day and calls him, leaving him a few voicemails.  
Episode 4- She is busy with work but is disturbed as she doesn’t see Connor all day and calls him, leaving him a few voicemails. 
Episode 5- Very confused, threatened when the girl she recognises (Connor) screams at her and makes scary gestures at her. Frightened and defensive. 
Episode 6- N/A 
Episode 7- She is busy with work but when she sees how erratic Connor is acting, she becomes more concerned and attempts, to no avail, to lock him in the house until he speaks to her. By the end, she is more wary of Connor, more protective. She cancels her work meetings for the following week. 
The Goal – To protect her son. 
The Lie – She can’t raise Connor as a single parent. 
The Truth – She needs to parent him stricter. 

Equilibrium – Work focused, believes Connor is old enough to look after himself. 
Disruption – Burglary happens. 
New Equilibrium - Harsher parental rules for Connor, more self-empowerment. She divvies up the chores between them both. 

The Robbers– Fall arc. 
Episode 1- Focused on Robbing the house, determined.  
Episode 2- Focused on Robbing the house, determined. Scared when it goes wrong but they hold their ground. 
Episode 3- Focused on Robbing the house, determined. When there are locks on the windows, they become angry but suspicious.  
Episode 4- One of them notices that the other is acting strangely, they are untrusting yet determined.  
Episode 5- N/A 
Episode 6- N/A 
Episode 7- Angry when it doesn’t go to plan, they accuse each other of messing it up, turning to violence. There is no sign of comradery. Vengeful when arrested. 
The Goal – To rob the house and sell the items. 
The Lie – They’ve thought everything through. 
The Truth – Better if they worked alone. 

Equilibrium – Planning the burglary 
Disruption – Connor seems to know what is happening and tries to stop it. 
New Equilibrium – In prison.  

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