Monday 10 February 2020

P1 - Analysis of Primary Audience Research

We created a survey to see what our target audience would like to see and about their general viewing habits so we could refine our ideas.

133 people took part in the survey.
They took on average 7:53 minutes to complete it.

57 people who took this survey were 16 years old.
62 people who took this survey were 17 years old.
1 person who took it was 20 years or older.

55 people were male.
70 people were female.
3 people identified as other.
5 people identified as preferred not to say.

Not surprisingly for the area, a very large percentage (87.2%) of everyone who did the survey were white-british. We can take this is a baseline but we have to bear in mind that this might not be representative of the entire population as we live in a very white area, however, when we look GOV.UK, it states: '87% of people in the UK are White, and 13% belong to a Black, Asian, Mixed or Another ethnic group, according to the combined 2011 censuses for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.' In that case, our results might have validity as our number is only 0.2% more than the average UK population. 

Also since 99 people stated that they identified as heterosexual, we would have straight characters within the show for them to identify with but also have some LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈 representation as in terms of media, the only sexualities that are being portrayed more commonly now are straight and gay as to slowly introduce these sexualities to the general public. By doing this, although it is progressive, there isn't enough representation for bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual or questioning people out there, especially since from this, at least 21.05% of people do not identify as heterosexual.

This is from GOV.UK
'61% of respondents identified as gay or lesbian and a quarter (26%) identified as bisexual. A small number identified as pansexual (4%), asexual (2%) and queer (1%). These figures varied by age. For example, younger respondents were more likely to identify as bisexual, asexual, pansexual, queer or ‘other’ (39% of cisgender respondents under 35 compared to 14% of cisgender respondents over 35). This reflects work undertaken by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that shows younger people are more likely to be bisexual than older people.'

As most people said that they are likely to go into University after A-levels, then I have to take that into consideration for my main character. If he is going to a University, then people might be able to have that personal identity with him, so that is something I have to keep in mind.

For question 6, all scores were quite similar apart from 'I am traditional and have strong etc...', so we would stay away from any ideas with extremely traditional views or a very in-your-face political stance. Subtle is the way to go.

For question 7 as well, it shows that the more recent 3 TV Drama they watched were all Netflix shows (the witcher, breaking bad, end of the fucking world) which concretes Netflix as BBC3s main competition. I have to come up with a USP on how to get people to stop watching Netflix and watch BBC3 instead. Also backed up in question 14 as the results were that 71.2% of people watch these shows on Netflix.

This is an easy one: The majority (24%) said they would like a comedy-drama, then just a drama, then a crime mystery. I can adapt my idea to include more of a mystery and comedy element to the tv show as to appeal to these audiences.

The majority of 'TOP THREE TV DRAMAS OF ALL TIME' were crime shows, such as 'Killing Eve', 'Peaky Blinders' and 'Silent Witness', then mystery shows such as Sherlock. You can see more in the attached pdf below.

Then question 10, it shows that the majority of people watch shows for both the characters and the narrative. So these need to be really strong and individual to be able to capture an audience so I will be putting most of my development into coming up with a concrete storyline and detailed characters with many levels.

And finally, question 15 shows that most people want a show about a criminal underworld or gangsters as well as mental health issues. As my show idea has crime as the main feature, I could try and explore that a bit more.

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