Thursday 22 October 2020

Memorable adverts

Memorable Adverts

Magazine advert: Got my attention because it's bold and takes up the entire page.
Key message: To use their product as it's the safest product to use around the home.
Target Audience: Parents that work/ stay at home parents and adults (25-35).

 TV advert: This got my attention as it's got a really catchy song (jingle) that has stayed in my head for at least 8 years.
Key message: That these kids are having fun and enjoying this toy- and your kids will too (if you buy it).
Target Audience: Parents and their kids.

 Radio advert: It's a very stern voice and as it goes on the voice becomes very rushed as they start to list all the items- it makes you listen to all of the products.
Key message: To go to Tesco because they literally have everything in store at a very low price.
Target Audience: Adults and people who listen to the radio (mostly adults/parents) and also people who want to buy food cheaply. Lower middle class/Lower class.


Other memorable adverts include:


Friday 16 October 2020

D1 Requirements met

 Have we done a good job with our scripts?

The Leeds based production company wanted me to write a sequence of events from my tv drama, it had to be between 10-15 minutes long and was aimed for a BBC 3 15-21 audience so I chose an exciting segment of my tv show to fulfil the aim which is to promote our tv drama to gain interest from our target audiences. As it's already been commissioned and paid for, we are writing a shooting script which will include shot types and camera angles so they could film from my script on set.  

My tv show is going to be episodic as it's made for a home audience. The conflict is realistic (my show includes manslaughter, murder, robbery, physical assault) and as you can see all of these crimes range in severity but are all serious conflict. The conflict is physical and emotional but they work together- the physical violence affects Connor mentally so by the end of the first series, he is more paranoid. 

My show is a crime drama with the subgenre of supernatural.

Typical features of TV Dramas: Episodic tv dramas normally are for a home audience. Tv dramas are about people and conflict in their relationships. There is usually one main conflict and other subplots which follow other characters- these can follow minor plots which interact with the main story but aren't a really large factor. This could be something such as a romance subplot. 

Equilibrium - Everything is normal, Connor (the main character) goes to school, hangs out afterwards with a few friends and goes home.

Disruption - Burglary occurs, things are stolen and Connor is lightly traumatised. In the morning, he realises that he's body swapped and is also repeating the same day over again.

Recognition of disruption - After the first day and burglary for the second time, he realises that this isn't a dream.

Attempt to repair - He goes around trying to find out why his house was targeted and also why they broke in to begin with.

New equilibrium - He finds out why and manages to stop the time loop however he is more shaky, paranoid and fidgety before. 

What extract did I choose and why?

The extract that I've chosen is from episode 1 and 2 of my tv show which is the introduction of my disruption (the burglary) following onto the recognition of the disruption (the body swapping) which is recognised right at the end of my chosen scene.

It reveals the whole nature of my show with a few comedic moments (the burglary montage scene, the breathing into the Tesco's bag, the screaming section at the end) and introduces Connor as a flawed character. He's too reliant on everybody else and is cowardly when the people break in- he believes that the best way to go about it is to go along with it and do what they say. As an explanation, he's a scary-cat but through speech, hopefully elements of a further 'relatable' personality comes through in the use of swearing and underwhelming reactions (Which typically fits into the British type of humour). 

By choosing the extract with my burglary in centre frame, I should've (hopefully) highlighted it as a significant event- which it is. It's the catalyst for my entire show so the audience need to see it to fully invest in my show. If they don't see it, the audience might get confused- which I don't want. 

I haven't ended on a cliffhanger but on an active question- What's causing the body-swapping? How's Connor going to fix it? How will he learn and adapt? I think this is wise because if I left everything resolved then the audience wouldn't have a reason to tune into the actual show.

Why will people be interested in my show?

Hopefully, in my script I've given him some introverted character traits (not speaking up, not challenging people, being very quiet, preferring to spend time on his own rather than with people, not shouting etc...) which people might be able to relate to as 25-40% of the population identify as introverts. I think the audience will be intrigued by the supernatural element as well as the incident (burglary) itself as something like a burglary could happen in real life so might be relatable but adding a supernatural twist might hook the audience in and make them watch on. People have always been interested in the supernatural as it aids escapism for the audience so they can invest in something so different from their everyday lives and can take a break from it. The time loop element has happened in Groundhog Day (winner of a BAFTA film award and one of the most famous timeloop films ever made making a lifetime gross of $7.9 million dollars.) and more recently in Netflix's Russian Doll which was nominated for a golden globe and won some Primetime Emmy Awards showing that there is an audience for this type of show.

Character Dynamics:

In my script, I tried to make Connor and his mother, (Heidi) seem close. There's no angst on Connor's side and no overbearingness from Heidi. Hopefully, this is a good setup so when my show progresses we see their relationship change dramatically. I also sort of introduced Wesley through text messages in my script- he's Connor's boyfriend and I purposefully didn't want the texts to seem nice as Wesley is not a kind character. I tried to portray realistic relationships (as not all teenagers have issues with their parents and not all relationships are perfect) and to not overly dramatise them as BBC 3 tends to broadcast realistic shows that comment on society instead of melodramas. 

Connor's character arc:

In the extract, we are right at the start of Connor's character journey as the script features the first major disruption 1/3 of the way through. Overall Connor has a Fall Arc, he changes negatively by becoming more paranoid and ultimately harsher with people as he discovers that most people have their own motives and don't actually value him, they're simply using him. He realises more things about the people in his life (his mother especially) and this changes him- it finally makes him realise how corrupt the world can be. In my chosen extract, we see don't see any change in Connor yet, since it's very early in the show and he hasn't made any concrete growth.

The laws of my alternative universe:

In my script, I show the audience the burglary (along with what day it is explicitly) all the way through then into the 'next day' where I show Connor in a different body to his own (his mother's) I then flick back towards the real Heidi in the kitchen, showing the audience that there are now two versions of the same person simultaneously- I haven't found any evidence of this being used in a time-looping concept so hopefully with the body-swapping and having the navigate the original person, the day replays, I think the idea is unique enough to intrigue and audience as I don't answer all the questions they may have instantly.

Sunday 4 October 2020

P4 Second draft of script


I have incorporated all the feedback from my first draft of my script which includes cutting down the number of parentheticals and changing the spaces between the character name and the parentheticals to 1. The biggest change I have made is to increase the number of pages my script has from 5 to 10 to fit the brief of a 10-15 minute script. I will add more pages later on if I can. 

Now for my second (feedback underneath): I will change some of the dialogue to make the characters,  (especially Heidi) seem like actual real people and also clarify why Connor won't call the police- as he's too scared. 


-I had a feeling there was going to be a plot twist but I didn't expect it! The atmosphere you evoked was really good but I got confused by the plot twist but that was probably intentional. One thing I picked up on was some of the dialogue- particularly Heidi's which sounded a little strange in places at first- I thought that was because she's a whimsical character and I didn't know if that was her characterisation. She seems calm in this intense situation. One example- page 4- I'm confused at why she goes 'I don't know how this is going to go'. Maybe her career could be in stressful situations. She seems too relaxed until the photo smashing.
-My favourite moment is after the burglary when it follows Connor's perspective- reminds me of expressionism.
-Also I was interested in why Connor was anxious about calling the police- to me it suggested that they have a reason why they don't want the police anywhere near them.