Monday 13 July 2020

22.7 P2 Initial Ideas

How long? Purpose of product? Target Audience, script type, spec or shooting script, set up or cliffhanger?

I have to make a 10-15 minute long sequence of our tv show that would gather interest from the possible audience so they would be more intrigued and might end up watching it when it's broadcast (as the purpose as told in the brief is to promote my show). The main target audience of my TV show is teenagers and young adults (specifically 15-21yr olds) with a secondary audience of this age group who are interested in crime dramas with supernatural elements. For me, I think cliffhangers would be a good way to hook an audience as in my show, there are plenty of tense moments I could end on. The script I'll produce will be a spec script. It needs to be made to secure funding for the full production of the show by the BBC and also I will think about which aspects of the story are interesting so the audience gets hooked on characters and the world. (Not boring, filler scenes.)

22.6 P2 Scriptwriting Top Tips!

4 Golden Rules of Screenwriting

  1. Sections
  2. Present Tense
  3. Show not Tell
  4. Characters


  • Slug Lines
  • Actions
  • Dialogue
Slug Lines = e.g INT. KITCHEN - DAY 
Shows the location, interior or exterior and night or day.

Actions = Basically whatever the viewer sees has to be written into the script in the forms of action blocks. E.g 'Umar enters the kitchen, opens the fridge and removes a CARTON OF ORANGE JUICE.'

Dialogue: What is spoken on screen, laid out with the characters name with the speech directly under it.
Are we going to go now?

Present Tense
All text in scripts (excluding dialogue) has to be in present tense. This means that there shouldn't be any 'is' in the actions blocks. E.g Sundus is walking should turn into Sundus walks.

This is an example from a show called, my left nut. The left is the corrected one, the right is the original!

Show don't tell
Instead of telling the audience that a character (for example) likes scooters, you should show them.

Showing: Darren enters the kitchen, sees a scooter and makes a gagging gesture. 
So I heard Darren doesn't like scooters!

Another example of this would be like this: 


KARLA stands in the middle of the bakery, waiting for her order to be called out. She looks over and sees a lone BAGEL on a chair which makes her shudder and bat it onto the floor.

When a character is first introduced, their name is in all caps and there should be a brief description of what they look like and who they are so that casting and costume design will be able to use the script.

ALEXIA, 17, struts down the hallway, waving. She wears a bright, perfectly fitting, green cheerleading outfit with red hair that reaches her shoulders.

Micro script tasks

  1. A relationship between two characters
  2. A woman telling a man she's pregnant


SHANE, 37, gets off the sofa with a huff, tossing the remote uncaringly behind him and trudges over to the dinner table. He watches the same tv show as before on his phone as food is brought to him. His partner, JAMIE, tidies up the table, rapidly scooping up different letters and papers which he sorts into two different piles, then brings Shane through a lager. 

Did you manage to get your script done today?

SHANE (not looking away from phone)
These things take time, just stop pressuring me and I'll probably make some progress, I just can't with you always in my ear about this and that!


BEATRIZ sits in the middle of starbucks with MARVIN, who is opposite. She looks highly uncomfortable, fiddling with the lid of her drink.

If you've got something to say, spit it out. 

There's silence. MARVIN sighs, goes to stand but BEATRIZ grabs his arm.

BEATRIZ (wearily)
I'm pregnant.

MARVIN holds eye contact with him for a second then yanks his wrist back and storms off.

Unit 22 P1 Task

Unit 22 P1